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mercoledì 1 ottobre 2008

Make money on line

Make noney with your blog.
You must:
  1. increase visits to your blog;
  2. sell products on your blog;
  3. offer unique services.

- To Increase visit to your blog:
  1. you must write specific titles;
  2. optimize graphics
  3. post exchange with redirect to your blog (it is very important);
  4. subscribe to the community (,,
  5. visit the bloggers' sites to the community;
  6. pay for advertising.
- To sell products on your blog:
  1. T-shirts;
  2. Gadgets;
  3. donations with paypal;
  4. subscribe programs that its pay you for posts written;
  5. put AdSense.
- offer unique services:
  1. this is very important, becouse your visitors will return in the your blog;
  2. es: blog to analyzing products, blog analizing the political; blog to offer free icons/theme/walpaper..., comic blog;
Your primary objective is not to have many visits, but to sell something.
If you have 10 visits a day, and you can sell a product, a day, at 50$, it is good!
if you want to suggest other recommendations write one comment.

I exhange post, contact me.

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